9 Cancelled Superhero Video Games That Would've Made Millions

5. The Flash

Flash game

Combining the acrobatic ground combat of Saints Row IV and the eyeball searingly-fast speed of Burnout, developers BottleRocket Entertainment started work on a Flash game in 2007, but despite being around six months in with a working engine and some neat game mechanics, it wasn't to be, as rights-holders Brash Entertainment dissolved and tanked the project.

If you played Temple Run or any of the behind-the-back sprint-a-thons that sprung up after its meteoric success, you'll immediately be able to get a good idea on exactly how this would've played. By focussing entirely on trying to convey the speeds Barry Allen is capable of (without reducing the screen to a blurry mush), it looks like you'd always be kept on your toes, sprinting across city blocks, directly up buildings and even straight through groups of goons in a blur of broken bones and body-slams.

Combat in particular looks like great fun, a Mark of Kri-style button-per-person setup meaning you could take enemies out in style. Top it off with some traversal and free-running segments that tip the nod to Crackdown's infectious orb-collecting mini-games, and Chief Designer Greg Miller was spot on when he mentioned it was showing quite the amount of potential just before it got canned.

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