9 Clever Video Games That Punish You For Misbehaving

6. Destroying Churches In SimCity Triggers A Natural Disaster

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Regardless of religious belief, this one is pretty amusing. In SimCity, the open-endedcity-building series that first released in 1989, players are punished for messing with the divine, specifically by bulldozing churches.

Bulldozing churches is a sure-fire way of triggering a natural disaster, presumably meant to be represent God's anger at the destruction of a sacred building. Throughout the entire series, in fact, players have been cheekily punished for messing with churches.

In SimCity 2000, for example, bulldozing churches causes two more to spring up in other areas, neither of which provide taxes. Continuing to do this can completely fill up residential areas with the holy buildings, make it basically impossible to progress in any meaningful way.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.