9 Divisive Video Game Levels You Either Love Or Hate

8. Niflheim - God Of War

God of War Niflheim

Arguably the one portion of the otherwise immaculate God of War from 2018 that didn't land with 100% confidence, Niflheim saw Sony Santa Monica essentially put a miniature Dark Souls tribute in the middle of their game.

Thankfully for the detractors, it was optional, but for those who wanted the best gear in the game, they'd have to wade into some poisonous mist constantly sapping Kratos' health, withstand enemies attacking from all directions, suffer poor visibility and a maze-like design for the level itself.

On the pro side, this was ostensibly a way to give hardcore players an optional endgame loot-grind if they still wanted to fight post-credits. Taken alongside Muspelheim's trials and the hunt for every last Valkyrie including the Queen, God of War's upper echelons of difficulty were either appreciated... or it tarnished the package overall.

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