9 Divisive Video Game Levels You Either Love Or Hate

3. Untouchable - Hitman 3

hitman 3 untouchable
IO Interactive

Taken alongside its add-on packs for Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2, the final "platform for content" that is Hitman 3 represents the most impressive feat of coding and gameplay in IO Interactive's history.

That said, Hitman 3's final level is a huge departure from the franchise, and more in-line with their upcoming work on James Bond.

Channeling the immaculate final level from Blood Money where Agent 47 rises from the dead after faking a flatline, you come to in a train owned by illuminati-style group, Providence. What follows feels like Hitman by way of Uncharted 2, with 47 moving in and out of windows, going carriage by carriage in a completely linear fashion, until you kill target, Arthur Edwards.

In a rare beat for the entire new Hitman trilogy, this just doesn't feel like a level you'd want to replay over and over. There are very few ways to deviate from the straightforward path ahead, and it resulted in a notably divided fandom, either praising this risky change of pace, or being disappointed by it.

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