9 Essential Video Games Releasing In August 2017

2. Uncharted: Lost Legacy

Uncharted lost legacy
Naughty Dog

Though I'd say Sony and Naughty Dog haven't done the best job of advertising precisely why we need another Uncharted, but 'more of the same... of something you love' is totally okay - especially when the developer is Naughty Dog.

Story-wise we've not actually been given many specifics other than that it takes place after Uncharted 3 and somewhat crosses over into Uncharted 4 - being Nadine is a helper-character here, yet has fallen in with Rafe in A Thief's End. Lost Legacy is mainly about Chloe and how she operates though, as she's been a fan-favourite since her introduction in Uncharted 2.

In terms of new gameplay features, the first trailer showed off what looked like a hand-to-hand fighting system for the pair to dispatch goons in quick succession, but the jury's out as to whether this was a one-off scripted event. Regardless, Lost Legacy is more second-to-none graphical presentation from Naughty Dog, complete with phenomenal facial capture and a playable action blockbuster feel.

What's not to love?

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