9 Fan Theories That Save TERRIBLE Games

2. It's Actually Princess Elise's Dream - Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

Sonic 2006 is unquestionably one of the worst games in the franchise - the story, camera, controls, voice acting, and abundance of glitches all make it a truly aggravating experience.

But its worst sin? Having a human character, Princess Elise, kiss Sonic on the lips, and to make it worse, Sonic is basically dead at the time, before said smooch revives him.

It went down badly enough with Sonic fans that Sega actually came out and promised them they'd never have to see Sonic kiss a human being ever again.

It's a traumatic enough moment for the fanbase, however, that some have simply chosen to believe that Sonic '06 is a mere dream of Princess Elise's and not something that actually happened in Sonic canon.

It's much easier to accept the ridiculous story as Elise's fantastical slumber-induced fawning for the Blur Blur. This explains why she becomes a damsel-in-distress so often throughout the story, and how her and Sonic's romance accelerates at such an absurd pace.

Hell, if you really want to stretch the theory, you can even say that it explains why the physics are so terribad - it's a dream where not everything works or makes sense. Done.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.