9 Fan Theories That Save TERRIBLE Games

3. It's A Prequel To Final Fantasy VII - Final Fantasy X-2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
Square Enix

Final Fantasy X spin-off X-2 is one of the more divisive entries into the franchise - widely lauded for its combat, but consistently criticised for almost everything else. 

It has its fans to be fair, but as a sequel to Final Fantasy X, it left large swaths of the fandom massively underwhelmed.

But one prominent theory about both X and X-2's place within the Final Fantasy series does soften the blow somewhat, that both games are actually prequels to Final Fantasy VII.

X-2 introduces the character of Shinra - a name that'll of course be known to anyone who's played FFVII, given that megacorp Shrina is one of the game's big villainous entities.

Some have theorised that X-2's Shrina went on to start the company of the same name featured in FFVII. This theory was even acknowledged by Yoshinori Kitase - who directed FFVII and X, and produced X-2 - though he stopped short of confirming it outright.

Does this connective tissue solve all of the game's problems? Absolutely not, but it certainly makes it easier to appreciate the big picture of it all, that X-2 weaves into the tapestry of the consensus-best game in the series.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.