9 Fan Theories That Totally Change 2016's Best Video Games

7. Sombre Is Alejandra - Overwatch

Overwatch sombre

Divisive character Sombre is the most recent addition to Overwatch's roster... or so we think. Turns out a popular theory is that she actually debuted back in Soldier: 76's cinematic short as the young girl, Alejandra.

This would mean the short itself actually took place around five or so years ago, evident by the LumeriCo plant not being built, and - going with the theory - allowing for a 12 year-old Alejandra to grow up into Sombre. There's also the fact that following Alejandra's rescue by Soldier: 76, she runs home to tell her mother, tearing a poster and revealing the number 23.

Being a free DLC character, Sombre is the 23rd member of Overwatch, uniting the movie and game, and lastly, a ton of 2016's alternate-reality online games centred around the mythology of Overwatch had fans chasing phone numbers and fake emails from Sombre too, all relating to LumeriCo.

Why would a grown up Sombre be so obsessed with the evil facility, if not because she grew up knowing she was going to take it down?

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