9 Fan Theories That Totally Change 2016's Best Video Games

6. Stardew Valley Is Embroiled In A Vicious War

Stardew Valley
Eric Barone

Way to flip the otherwise idyllic and village fair-fuelled world of Stardew on its head. Redditor theporkroll has pioneered a fantastic theory that completely inverts the carefree nature of Eric Barone's gorgeous farming sim - instead positing that it has more in common with This War of Mine.

He posits that the wider world of Stardew is embroiled in a vicious war between the Ferngill Empire and the Gotoro Republic ('rebels' and an 'empire'? Very Star Wars), known because of various dialogue interactions with Kent, but also through the price of a can of cola being 75g, despite a working wage in the village being 5g an hour.

From there, theporkroll expands this economic disparity to reframe everything you think you know about Stardew Valley:

"- Why someone always buys your produce (it's the Ferngill Army, most likely).

- Why you can sell a single potato for 80g.

- Why villagers ask you for specific crops at exorbitant prices; they can't get those cheaper anywhere else.

- Why Linus is broke and no one is willing to shack him up.

- Why no one's fixed the Calico Desert Bus (everyone's too preoccupied with spending money on food).

- Why Joja people always manage to find you when you pass out at night - they're probably on the hunt for suspicious enemy agents at nighttime.

Thinking about the tiny town of Stardew as some sort of Rogue One-esque rebellion faction is certainly interesting. Kinda lends weight to why they'd have a Hunter's Guild and cave for training with weapons, too...

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