9 Final Video Game Bosses That Required Incredible Skill

8. Ender Dragon - Minecraft

Ender Dragon

The VAST majority of Minecraft players won't do anything other than live a lovely, mostly carefree life of house-building, resource-gathering, ore-mining and whatever idyllic frivolities come to mind.

Yes, they'll also be scared half to death in the middle of an in-game night by a Witch or have their living room decimated by a Creeper, but that's by the by.

The point is, Minecraft does have an overall progression and final boss - it's tied to crafting the best armour and weapons, then finding an Eye of Ender pearl to face the beast in another realm entirely.

Thankfully the Ender Dragon itself isn't very hard to fight, but the sheer amount of STUFF you have to do makes reaching it a hefty challenge. Also, though it's hard to do after so much preparation, dying to this thing sees you fall into the Void and lose things like Diamond armour and various other rare items.

To date, only 6% of Minecraft players on PlayStation have faced and defeated such a creature.

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