9 Final Video Game Bosses That Required Incredible Skill

7. Seth - Street Fighter IV

street fighter 4 seth

Another from the fighting game school of "Let's give this guy as many cheap moves as possible to manufacture challenge", even veteran Street Fighter players - of which there are millions - recommend turning the rounds down so you only have to beat Seth once.

Sadly, even accomplishing that is a Herculean task, as Seth comes at you with teleports to interrupt your attacks, unblockable grapples, screen-wide sweeps that'll catch you even attempting to land a blow.

Kinda like Mortal Kombat's Shao Kahn (more on him later), it becomes a game of seeing which of your moves you can spam to win, or you can dive into the settings even more to reduce round time to 30 seconds,

In short, you can tell EXACTLY what Capcom were going for here - and after Street Fighter 3's Gill, it's no surprise - but what lay under Street Fighter IV's welcoming, inky art style was a final arcade bout of pure pain.

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Mortal Kombat
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