9 Final Video Game Bosses That Required Incredible Skill

6. Hades - Hades

Hades Boss Fight Lasers
Supergiant Games

The immaculate Hades is a must-play; a game that amazingly tells a meaningful story with great characters, intrigue, subversion and payoff, around the structure of a roguelike.

By the time you reach Hades himself and are ready to leave the confines of Hell itself, you'll likely have died countless amounts of times, interacted with various bosses who can go on to become your friends, and you'll have unlocked tons of weapon abilities and tactics to see you through.

Still, Hades himself is an obscenely tough boss to fight. The game overall has a really solid challenge throughout, but not only are you going back to the beginning if you lose, but Hades' attacks give you VERY little safe room.

In between the criss-crossing lasers, summoned enemies, radial pulses and projectiles is Hades coming directly for you. Shoulder barges, circular sweeps - he can even become a ball of rotating energy that WILL catch you at some point.

Hades (the game) is tough, Hades (the man) is brutal.

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