9 Gaming Moments In 2015 That Made You Uncomfortable

8. The Witcher 3's Baby In The Oven

(Minor spoilers) No one really likes babies, it's just that some people think it's some kind of crime against humanity to admit it. The blubbering balls of squidgy flesh (with those horrible soft spots on the tops of their heads) just serve little purpose until they actually start learning things and showing signs of evolving into human beings. But when Geralt gets a baby chucked into his hands and the trusty Cerys is yelling at you to chuck it into the goddam oven, everything you previously thought you thought about your disdain for babies flies out the window. The alternative is that it gets taken away and possessed by a demon, so what do you do? Hurting babies and kids has always been something of a taboo in games, so for The Witcher 3 to force you to make this decision, all the while seemingly making a cruel joke about the whole 'baby in the oven' expression, felt like scary new territory. Still, if Cerys says "do it", you should probably damn well do it, and so many of us chucked the little guy into the roaring fire. You feel guilty and a little bit ashamed when it happens, but before you go and make a real-world baby out of sheer guilt, you should probably wait and see what happens after you chuck it in the fire.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.