9 Great Video Games You Didn't Understand First Time

7. Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus
Team ICO

Deliberately designed to replicate the ethereal feeling of a piece of folklore or mythology, Shadow of the Colossus couldn't care less about giving you cutscene exposition every few minutes.

Instead, you're supposed to take it in at your leisure; let its atmospheric charms wash over you, and after you've slaughtered 13 hulking Colossi, only then will you find out what's really going on.

Turns out, the Colossi you'd been killing were the only guardians left housing the evil Dormin's spirit, and though he agreed to resurrect your beloved Mono, your life is going to be taken as a trade.

How does this play out though? Well, you'll grow to become a giant shadowy beast, kill all the footsoldiers who were trying to make sure Dormin didn't escape, then you'll fall through a wormhole and emerge as a small, horn-headed baby.

Somewhat intentionally interpretational at launch, creative director Fumito Ueda later confirmed that Shadow is a prequel to other horned child action game ICO, which retroactively ties everything together far tighter.

That first time through though? Ooof.

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