9 Greatest Comebacks In Video Game History

7. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege

Sea of thieves

Games as a service get a bad rap for many valid reasons but at least they usually consist of a team that is dedicated to continue improving them over time and responding to player feedback.

There are a few games on this list that fall into that category and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is certainly one of them. This one launched riddled with bugs and glitches which has quickly become a trend in this list and that will absolutely be continuing through to the end of it. While a single player game like Skyrim launching riddled with bugs is still bad, occasionally funny, but ultimately lets you play the game so long as you don’t hit anything game-breaking, it’s a different ball game with multiplayer.

Hit a snag with connection issues when you’re playing a game that is purely multiplayer and the whole thing becomes literally unplayable. Which is the first time I’ve said that phrase earnestly.

On top of that issue, the initially promising team-based shooter was peppered with balancing issues, rampant cheaters and no way to deal with them, and it was disappointingly thin on content. Flash forward nine years and the game is as strong as its ever been thanks to a diligent team constantly tweaking, balancing and injecting a slew of both free and paid downloadable content to bulk out the maps, modes, and operators, among other things.

In what is a really interesting move, both IGN and GameSpot actually revised their initial review scores of the game to better suit the game in its current state, IGN bringing its 7.9 to an 8.5, and GameSpot bumping the 8/10 to a 10/10. These adjustments were made as the service model turned the game into a totally different beast, and both outlets praised the game for being one of the best multiplayer shooters on the market due to its tense and fast-paced matches.

This is made all the more enticing through its unique requirement in mastering not only its combat mechanics but also tactics, strategy, as well as team composition, cooperation, and communication.

A wild 29 seasons in and, to be fair, much like every live service game there’s still gripes over balancing issues or bugs. But at least in this case the players who aren’t pleased invited the hilarious phrase ‘Rainbow Fix Siege’ so they’ve got that going for them which is nice.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.