9 Hilariously Ugly Video Game Babes We All Had Crushes On

1. Tifa Lockheart - Final Fantasy VII

Have you gone back to Final Fantasy VII since escaping the mind-frazzling years of puberty? It's crazy. There are cross-dressing scenes, Tifa's win animation is her just literally pushing her chest out - and in cutscenes she appears like some teenage fever-dream with love-balloons big enough to give Felix Baumgartner a run for his money.
Quite simply it's stupid, it's daft, ridiculous and every other word that comes to mind - but that didn't stop the purpose-built sexpot catapulting straight to the top of the "Phwoar!"-list, edging out the loveable Aerith primarily because of her pornographic figure. The great thing is, when you look at Tifa's portrayal across the whole game, at no point is her sex appeal used to advance anything or become a point of interest. She's not objectified in any way other than to look at her obscene proportions and deem them the result of a male gaze-focussed art department - which you can decide to take as much offence from as you like. It'll be interesting to see what her newer and more modernised iteration looks like in Square's hotly-anticipated remake, as surely there's no way they could take this late 90s version into the future... right?! Which old school gamer chicks did you totally have the hots for - only to look back and realise it was all in your head? Let us know in the comments!
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