9 Incredible Features WASTED On Disappointing Video Games

6. Living The Story Of A Director's Film Pitch - Far Cry 5: Dead Living Zombies

Far Cry 5 Dead Living Zombies

Speaking of messing around with how video game stories are presented, Far Cry 5's DLC Dead Living Zombies attempted to do something similar. Essentially, it cast players as the hero of a film that's in the process of being pitched to a bunch of studios and producers. The director doing the pitching is Guy Marvel, someone who's desperate to get his zombie movie off the ground, and keeps altering it based on the feedback he receives.

Each level makes up these alterations, as the environment and set-pieces shift in real time depending on the notes he's being given and what the producers are responding to. It's such a cool idea, not only because it draws attention to the artificial ridiculousness of the DLC, but because it opened up so much potential for the devs to go wild with altering the play space and subverting expectations.

Sadly, the team didn't go far enough with the idea, and Dead Living Zombies is a surprisingly bland affair even with this idea at the heart of it. It's not quite the same, but Call of Juarez: Gunslinger pulled off a similar feature way better years prior as well, so check that out instead.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3