9 Incredible Features WASTED On Disappointing Video Games

2. Players Hacking Into Your Session - Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs 2

While Watch Dogs is remembered for not living up to the hype when it came to its graphics and gameplay, what shouldn't be forgotten is just how much its multiplayer suite was bigged up in the run up to release. Not only did the original game have an extensive competitive multiplayer mode that Ubisoft pushed hard, but there was also the ability for a player's solo campaign to get "hacked" by an invading real-life person.

This kicked off a dynamic game of cat and mouse, as the invader attempted to blend into the environment while the hacking metre increased, and you had to scramble to figure out where they were and put them down. It was undeniably cool the first couple of times it happened, but the system wasn't the most robust, and the lack of reward for engaging with this mode meant it was barely used.

Even when it returned in Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft had barely improved it, and multiplayer as a whole took a back seat. It's a shame, as games like Dark Souls have proven how online integration into single-player can result in amazing, memorable multiplayer moments, but Watch Dogs never seemed all that interest in pursuing this area properly.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3