9 Insane Origins Of Gaming's Most Over-Sexualised Female Characters

3. Bayonetta - Bayonetta

Bayonetta 2
Platinum Games

Firstly, consider the fact that Bayonetta's teenage wet dream appearance was actually penned by a woman, Mari Shimazaki. Naturally her hand was guided by creative director Hideki Kamiya, but his initial brief for the game, before anything was said, only required "a female lead, a modern witch, and to use four guns."

Her sultry, elongated stature and legs came from the necessities of making a character that would move and be appropriate in a high-octane third-person action game, as Shimazaki also noted that she wanted to counter the "trend" of female characters in games having shorter limbs.

Glasses were added to give an air of "mystery and intelligence", and oversized breasts were avoided, as Kamiya thought the former qualities were far more interesting than "baring it all". In addition, her most 'offensive' traits, increasingly skimpier attires that appear when you perform magic attacks, were also reportedly "loved" by Shimazaki, who favoured the idea of her apparel changing the more she got involved in battle.

When talking to Polygon, producer Yusuke Hashimoto added that "the costumes and accessories show the touch and detail that could only come from a woman€™s sensibility", connoting more fashion-based aspects of her clothing such as rich jewels and intricate clothing patterns, that simply do not appear in similar franchises.

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