9 Major Video Game Plot Holes You Probably Missed

1. Big Boss' Non-Existent Coma - Metal Gear Solid 1 & 3

metal gear solid 4 Big Boss

Metal Gear Solid and plot holes?? Who coulda thunk it.

Yes, Hideo Kojima's 'makes-it-up-as-he-goes' action extravaganza has gotten so convoluted with ageing characters and canon changes over time, that he straight up admitted the whole thing doesn't make sense while promoting MGS V.

However, many of us had cottoned onto a handful of qualms with the series' timeline before that, and I'm not just talking about Grey Fox's backstory as Null.

No, a more prominent issue comes from the "coma" Big Boss was supposedly in, when the Les Enfants Terribles project kicked off in 1972. This is said by Liquid Snake who confirms Boss' cells were taken when he was in a coma, but later games directly contradict this.


Because the real Big Boss was active during the events of Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes, going under in 1975 after Mother Base is attacked.

It's here where Kojima's catch-all plot hole sponge of Venom Snake being a clone of Big Boss was created, but that can't explain how Boss was in a coma donating cells, whilst simultaneously walking around.

As an explanation, it's worth noting that the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid never included the detail of Boss being in a coma. For western releases, Konami went with a now-infamous one-person translation "team" of Jeremy Blaustein, who possibly added the detail as he thought it made sense to the flow of Liquid's speech.

Either way, despite everything, in the 1970s, Big Boss is in two places at once.


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