9 Massive Video Game Rumours That Would Dominate 2016

1. New Super Smash Bros. Will Be A Nintendo NX Launch Title

Likelihood: 8/10 Sure to be 2016's most talked-about new piece of hardware - even next to the various VR helmets that should be dropping in a few months - Nintendo's NX is set to shake up the industry in every way possible. There's the 'secret feature' yet to be detailed, rumours of a controller that doubles as a separate handheld console, and of course; the lineup of launch games that could still include the newest Zelda. However, a far more bankable franchise for all ages and demographics is Super Smash Bros.; Nintendo's all-singing, all-power-up flinging smorgasbord of recognisable characters and technicolor action. According to one Dr. Serkan Toto, Nintendo Life report that the Japanese industry expert cited various sources in saying Super Smash Bros. was coming to the NX as a launch title. Toto couldn't comment on whether it was an all-new SSB or a remastered version of the 2014 Wii U edition - but either way, Super Smash Bros. is one hell of a draw as a game you can play right away on the new machine. Are there any awesome rumours we missed? Let us know in the comments what you're most excited about!
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