9 Misleading Video Game Demos That Totally Lied To You

9. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK6NDFZsgws Right from the off, the SW:TFU2 demo made it an awesome experience to wield the force. You begin as Starkiller and are immediately charged with dispatching waves of foes using your full toybox of force powers as you attempt to escape from where you're being held on Kamino. Dual-wielding red 'sabers, force lightning, telekinesis, mind control, these weird bubble electricity... things, it's all immediately exciting. You also discover that you have the ability to dismember stormtroopers with your lightsabers, which is always fun. It's the sort of demo that you replay multiple times just to concoct different combinations of slaughtering your enemies, like picking up stormtroopers and sending them crashing into their buddies in a comical game of skittles. What's so disappointing when you upgrade to the full-price version is that you realise that this level is the whole game, on repeat. Unlike the previous SW:TFU, you kick straight off with most of your powers, so there's very little progression in gameplay. You go to different-looking (but similar-feeling) locations and fight... fight, then fight some more. What felt like a blast in a single level was frustrating and repetitious when drawn out for a entire campaign, leaving a game that was poorly paced, repetitious and ultimately boring, making fans wish they'd stuck to playing the demo instead.
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.