9 Modern Gaming Criticisms That Actually Suck

5. 'A Lack Of Difficulty Is A Negative'

Knack 2013
SCE Japan Studio

When video games were invented, they were all about posing a challenge. Players flocked to arcades to test their mettle against the ladder of opponents in Street Fighter, and learning the skills needed to get to the end was a huge part of the experience. There was a real sense of achievement and some pride to be taken in beating a game, and that mentality has never really gone away.

However, games have evolved massively since then, and while there are still titles that absolutely pride themselves on challenging the player, either intellectually or through game mechanics, so many others are there to be enjoyed without this element at the forefront. Consequently, when a release is criticised for not being difficult enough, it can feel a little unfair.

Uncharted, for instance, plays much better on easier difficulties where you can indulge in the agile combat mechanics, whereas on harder modes the combat devolves into cover shooting stop-and-pop.

Of course, it's fair to bring this up if a game's lack of challenge makes the gameplay boring, but challenge for the sake of challenge shouldn't be thing devs strive for.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3