9 Modern Gaming Criticisms That Actually Suck

4. 'It's A Great Game, But Not A Great [Insert Franchise] Game'

Dmc Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory

This is a bit of a strange one, but might be best exemplified by the response to Capcom's DmC in 2011. That controversial release was viewed as being a solid action game, but a terrible Devil May Cry game by fans and critics, because of how much it changed up what fans previously loved about the world, story and characters.

This happens in movies as well, with people proclaiming that Star Wars: The Last Jedi works as a great movie, but a terrible Star Wars movie.

This statement is mostly used by fans who feel that a sequel is too different from a previous instalment, but for the most part this criticism simply boxes franchises into a set of limitations instead of allowing them to grow.

It also causes a push and pull for the developers, who at once have to deliver something fresh and interesting, but familiar enough to not alienate fans who have an idea of what the franchise should be. It's an impossible task, and under this framework franchises struggle to evolve.

For as much as some big names owe their success to the hardcore fans who invested into them, no art should ever be created to simply appeal to 'the fans', but to explore exciting new avenues and experiment with original ideas.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3