9 More Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

7. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers devastation
Platinum Games

A lot of the Transformers games released over the past decade or so have been weirdly good. High Moon Studios had their own little enterprise up and running before they were folded into the Call of Duty machine, but while those games were the most notable tie-ins the franchise received, they weren't the only ones about robots in disguise worth playing.

During the weird period in their history where they were taking on every project under the sun, the devs at Platinum Games found time to craft a project based on this series, titled Transformers: Devastation.

With a lush cell-shaded art style and fantastic combat (as you'd expect), the tie-in proved just how much untapped potential there was in the IP.

Of course, you know how this story ends. Activision and Hasbro's deal concluded, and a whole host of Transformers games, including Devastation and High Moon's output, were delisted.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3