9 More Amazing Video Games (You Can’t Actually Play Anymore)

6. The Godfather

The Godfather game

The Godfather tie-in game shouldn't have even existed, never mind been as good as it was. This was a movie adaptation 40 years after the fact that was clearly trying to use a recognisable name to cash in on the open world criminal mayhem that was proving so popular for Grand Theft Auto, and yet it was way more than just a soulless product.

You took control of non-movie character Aldo Trapani, working up the ladder of the Corleone family by pulling off petty crimes, keeping other families in check, and overall trying to get as much real estate in the city as possible for your bosses. It had a surprising amount of depth, and while a lot of actions were repeated, there was always an interesting way in which you could gain power and take it from your enemies.

The real selling point, though, was that this was a faithful adaption. It took place within the world of The Godfather movie, and actors from the film even returned to reprise their roles (to varying degrees of success).

However, it didn't exactly sell well, and a sequel a few years later didn't convince EA to stick with the franchise, and once the licensing deal was up, both titles (and their DLC) became unavailable.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3