9 MORE Video Games That Broke Their Own Rules

2. The Ballad Of... Immortal Luis? - GTA IV

Luis Fernando Lopez, GTA IV
Rockstar Games

The Rule:

The star of sizeable DLC, The Ballad of Gay Tony, Luis Fernandez got to inject the otherwise dour GTA IV with some old-school GTA flavour. Where Niko could barely interact with the world in the same way as San Andreas' CJ, Luis could base jump, he had access to a ton of hefty military firepower, his cars could get a nitrous-powered overhaul, and he could go golfing.

Even the game's aesthetic changed to provide a brighter colour palette and the skies themselves were clearer blue - all harkening back to the previous trilogy on PS2 and Xbox.

All round, Luis additions to GTA IV are exemplary, and even before this, he pops up in three of Niko's missions: Three Leaf Clover, Museum Piece and Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend.

Wait A Minute...

Luis... is somehow immortal.

In Three Leaf Clover - before he's fleshed out as more of a character - Luis can totally be shot to pieces with no game over. Packie comments that you "shouldn't kill anyone else", but Luis lies dead on the ground, covered in blood.

Only... he then pops up in the next missions regardless, as if nothing has happened.

These newer times he plays a role in the missions so he's invulnerable, but that's besides the point:

Why did Rockstar include Luis as an NPC in the bank heist, if he could be shot, only to resurrect him like it was nothing?

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