9 MORE Video Games That Broke Their Own Rules

1. Spider-Man Doesn't Kill People - Spider-Man PS4

Spider Man Ps4

The Rule:

As integral to Spidey as Batman's true identity is to his foundational setup, aside from a handful of exceptions, Spider-Man has been sparing people since day one.

That carries into his game on PS4 too, as developers Insomniac made a point of saying you couldn't kill any of the thugs in the game, despite fighting at great heights; sometimes on construction equipment.

Even if you try to punch and kick foes over the edge of buildings, the game will automatically web them to the nearest wall as they plummet down - as if Spidey had connected a Trip Mine to his particular person ahead of time.

Wait A Minute...

Besides the pernickety-as-hell fact that Spidey doesn't acquire Trip Mines until the Dual Purpose mission; thereby meaning he's sticking people to walls with a gadget he forgot he already had until later in the game, there is still a way for Spider-Man to kill.

Just launch foes into the air and swing kick or attack them multiple times. The auto-stick web won't trigger as it's proximity based, and once you're out the safe zone, your opponent will sail through the air, likely colliding with a car or lamppost on the way down.

Either of these things - or just the height of the fall - definitely ends their life.


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