9 Most Inventive Kills In Gaming

4. Bioshock - Andrew Ryan

Rsz BioshockSee? This is how you shouldn't play golf.

Of all the games I've ever played, I have to say that the Bioshock series carried some of the greatest shocks (hehe, another pun) during its storylines. Infinite was mind-blowingly great, but the first game's "would you kindly" left me with my mouth open. I was clenching the mouse, trying to prove that I was no slave to some random genetic imprint, but to no avail. Both Jack and I were practically helpless, even though it might not seem like it at first sight.

The murder of Andrew Ryan has to be one of the most brutal and stupidly (in a good way, mind you) unavoidable kills in gaming. You'll hit him once, twice, thrice. Ryan even tries to help you to snap out of it via reverse psychology. There's no control over what you're doing, however. You're forced to watch Jack splatter Ryan's brains all over his office with a nine iron. This murder is so much more than a simple kill; it really makes you feel sick for what you're doing. For that alone, it deserves its place as one of the most inventive kills in gaming history.

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.