9 Most Inventive Kills In Gaming

5. Shadow Of The Colossus - Every Encounter

Rsz SotcIt might not seem like it, but that winged thing is actually 30 meters long.

Shadow Of The Colossus is a special kind of game. There are no "normal" enemies here, only huge, huge, HUGE bosses that take hours to take down. Every single kill you accomplish carries heavy burden with it, so that makes every encounter in this game that much more special. Also, who the hell wouldn't like the idea of a game that's made entirely out of boss fights? There's always a twist and there's always something new that you'll like. All of the fights are innovative and allow you to play at a different pace with altered tactics.

Until SoTC, no other game has so successfully combined platforming, combat and puzzles into a single magnificent experience. It was always clear what you had to do, but it wasn't easy. Also, you get to kill huge friggin' monsters and that has to mean something.

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.