9 Most Pointless Achievements In Video Game History

1. Charted! - Crushing - Uncharted 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPA4xRIXi0E Picking one pointless trophy from amongst the unrelenting sea of them in Uncharted 2 was a real challenge, but the sheer tedium of unlocking "Charted! €“ Crushing" eventually pushed it over the edge in my mind as the most pointless and genuinely mentally arduous trophy of all time. The saddest thing is this trophy was almost good, as the base form of it (i.e. complete the game on the hardest mode) is pretty solid, giving a great challenge for the tougher gamers out there and helping to make an otherwise boring game relatively enjoyable. Unfortunately though, the only way to unlock the hardest mode is to complete the game, and this is where the issues arise. Uncharted 2 has no replay value. And I mean none. Those who enjoyed the game like the pretty visuals and Indiana Jones-esque (read: shameless knock-off) storyline, but once you€™ve seen all the fancy set pieces, figured out all the puzzles, and know how the plot turns out, there€™s not really any point coming back to it. Consequently, a second playthrough serves only to highlight every flaw in the game until players want to tear out Nathan Drake€™s eyes with a sulphur ladened tablespoon. I hate it - despise it more than I have any other game ever - and I blame this trophy for making me play through the damn thing twice. If you haven€™t platinumed Uncharted 2 then you won€™t be able to appreciate the pointlessness of this trophy, Hell, you probably still like the game. And you know what? I€™m jealous of you. I wish I didn€™t understand how totally horrendous, unenjoyable, mind-numbing, stroke-inducing, and pointless in its requirements this trophy is; but I do, so I have no choice but to make it number one. Which video game achievements have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH