9 Multiplayer Characters Who BROKE Their Video Games

1. Oddjob - GoldenEye 007

goldeneye 007 Oddjob

Yes, GoldenEye is still a brilliantly fun FPS today. The sound effects, awesome music, motion-captured enemy death animations seeing them fly in different directions as you unload a machine gun. It remains FPS royalty for a reason.

However, in Rare implementing an entire multiplayer mode in secret, without telling management, that time frame led to one of the most overlooked issues in multiplayer history:


Again with another hit box issue, the core problem was how much GoldenEye's shooting mechanics were built around a VERY generous auto-aim. It helped you feel like a badass in single player, circle-strafing groups of goons as you go, but in multiplayer the auto-aim simply couldn't track Oddjob's frame whatsoever.

To get a hit in you'd have to stop, hold the manual aim button and try to find him - but by then the other player had ventilated you and everyone else you cared about in the same time window.

Rare did finally comment on all this in 2018, saying they did think Oddjob was "kind of cheating" during play-testing, "but it was too much fun to take out and there was no impetus from any of us to change it".

Here's to thoroughly broken characters in games being left in, just because it's funny.


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