9 Oddly Terrible Levels In Otherwise Great Video Games

8. Bioshock - Proving Grounds

There's no denying that Bioshock is a masterpiece of a game. It introduced a new, different environment and its universe has given us one of the greatest games ever, in terms of story and characters (Bioshock Infinite). That does not mean that we should suddenly forget what a dreaded monstrosity awaited as we approached the end of the first game. After Jack turns into a Big Daddy, he has to protect his designated Little Sister while she collects ADAM from the corpses. While extracting, the children are unable to run away, so the player has to compensate with heavy weaponry and traps. A single escort mission in the entire game wouldn't be that hard to play, but the problem is in the fact that it seems to counter everything we've seen during the course of the story. If you failed at this mission (and it's quite possible that you have, because it's miserably hard) and your protégé gets murdered, there's virtually no repercussion. You just return to the beginning of this trial and pick up a new child. You can do that indefinitely. What's wrong with that is the fact that we've been told that the Little Sisters are the most precious resource Rapture has. They have the potential of being pure and innocent again, and here we are, going wild with throwing them to cannibalistic monsters that are going to tear them apart. The level layout, available weaponry and the sheer amount of Splicers thrown at the player make this gauntlet an extremely tedious task. This part of the game is really badly designed, but the way it went against everything established by the earlier events is even worse. Also, that entire hour when we actually got to use one of those Big Daddy suits wasn't nearly as badass as it was obviously supposed to be.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.