9 Once-Beloved Video Game Developers That Fell From Grace

6. Square/Square Enix

Final fantasy XV
Square Enix

Outside of Square Enix's horrendously money-focused ways as a publisher - literally forcing Eidos Montreal to crowbar in microtransactions into Deus Ex: Mankind Divided mere weeks before launch - their game output has been serviceable at best recently, compared to the heights of yesteryear.

We're talking about a studio that at one time kicked out Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII and IX in quick succession, with each one genuinely going down in history. Not to mention one-offs like Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG and Bushido Blade.

Now, yes the Dragon Quest titles remain solid enough (mostly thanks to Squenix recruiting Level-5 as one of their own), but when it comes to something like Final Fantasy XV, the final product was an awkward mess of mass-appeal combat mechanics, easily digestible, repetitive mission structures and a story released with plot holes, only so they could be filled with DLC.

Put it this way: If Final Fantasy VII released today, the "Aerith Lives!" DLC would be part of a season pass.

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