9 Once-Beloved Video Game Developers That Fell From Grace

5. Ubisoft

assassin's creed unity dlc

Speaking of DLC and taking advantage of a consumer despite them paying full price up front, Ubisoft no longer release games, they release 'content platforms'.

If the term sounds a little strange, chances are you already know what it is - those games that have a series of basic mechanics designed for repetition, only for the addition of year-long DLC packs to be 'plugged in', either filling out a story or providing variety that should've been there all along. We've seen it everywhere from Ghost Recon to The Division, For Honor and Assassin's Creed. Truly, there's nothing more annoying than knowing you're coughing up full price, only to be leeched off for the following months or years to come.

This, from a studio that brought us the truly phenomenal Assassin's Creed games in the first place: AC II and Brotherhood in particular. Not to mention Far Cry, Prince of Persia, the iconic Splinter Cell titles, Rayman, Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six's better days - it just goes on and on.

Many of these series are still around in some form, but the actual quality of the games has plummeted, seeing Ubisoft chase the biggest possible return with the smallest amount of quality control.

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