9 Once-Beloved Video Game Developers That Fell From Grace

3. Volition

Agents of mayhem rama
Deep Silver

Like Raven Software, you'll know Volition's spectacular catalogue by game name, more than the studio itself.

We're talking the various Red Faction games (the first of which pioneered GEOMod technology, letting you tear a whole in the environment), 2004's The Punisher and the mighty Saints Row series - of which Saints 3 was phenomenal; truly a perfect mix of comedy and cultural commentary on the open-world genre.

Then - and Volition are only the victims of their own success - we saw Saints Row IV go that little bit too far in the whacky direction from III, only for Gat out of Hell to feel like every discarded idea from the past two games was now included.

This all led to Agents of Mayhem; a generic-as-hell shooter where you're forever chasing decimal point increases for XP boosts and slightly slower special ability meter-burns. With lowest common denominator cringe-comedy and only a literal couple of memorable heroes, it's quite unfathomable how the same developer went from Saints III to this.

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