9 Once-Beloved Video Game Developers That Fell From Grace

4. Valve

Artifact game

Yes, DotA continues to rake in the cash, and yes, Valve are head and shoulders above the competition when it comes to VR experiences, but... well, it's not Half-Life 3, is it.

I'll get back to the biggest unanswered cliffhanger in gaming in a moment, as it's very clear the Valve of today aren't anything close to the one who cared about releasing medium-defining video games in the 90s and 2000s.

Where once they had Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead, both Portal games and Team Fortress 2 under their belt (to name just a handful), now Valve are more often in the headlines for ballsing something up on Steam, or for teasing Half-Life 3 - only for it not to appear.

Because let's not forget: Half-Life 2: Episode 2 ended on a cliffhanger; a promise to the fans saying "Trust in us, we'll get back to this...", and that was literally a decade ago.

Stop designing ultra realistic simulations of standing in fields or VR tech only a fraction of the populace can afford, and give us the end of Gordon Freeman's story.

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