9 Overused Video Game Criticisms That Make No Sense

2. "Video Games Are Too Expensive"

Devil May Cry 5 Nero

Video game prices have maintained a consistent baseline for a long time now, rather than rising with inflation and the greater costs of production as you'd expect.

And yet, there are still those who relentlessly whine about games being too damn expensive.

Ultimately, if you want to boil it down to a cash-for-time ratio, games are cheaper than just about any other major form of entertainment - certainly buying an album or spending a night at the movies.

Though it's definitely fair to say that Nintendo have been consistently stingy with their mediocre sales and aggressively rigid RRPs, games have largely never been priced more competitively than they are today, with the majority of AAA titles across PS4, Xbox One and PC receiving huge price drops within a month or two of their release.

Many gamers unfortunately get it into their heads that they "have" to submit to the full-board season pass experience, where getting the "complete" version of a game can cost over £100. But you're absolutely not obliged, and for most, the base experience should represent solid value in of itself.

If anything, the market dictates that games should probably be more expensive than they are, and even if you're a frugal gamer, it's mind-boggling that so many still find gaming to be such a high-price hobby.

Alright, VR games might be pushing it, but even then, you're getting a "premium" experience compared to conventional, flat gaming, so something of an uplift is expected.

If you earnestly believe that games generally cost too much, you might do well to shop around more.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.