9 Overused Video Game Criticisms That Make No Sense

1. "Factual Inaccuracy Is A Deal-Breaker"

Battlefield 5

This complaint generally applies to games with an historical backdrop - typically a war-time setting - and concerns players who can't stop complaining when a game doesn't fully represent a certain period accurately.

There was an enormous uproar recently when EA confirmed that Battlefield V would feature playable female soldiers, causing many "purists" to cry foul that this wasn't historically accurate and, therefore, too immersion breaking.

Except, there were female soldiers in World War II. And more to the point, in a video game franchise which allows you to stand astride a horse while firing a flamethrower, are woman soldiers really that damaging to your immersion?

The Battlefield franchise has always prefaced spectacle over accuracy, and that's exactly how it should be. After all, if you're expecting a rigorous history lesson from an EA-produced multiplayer shooter, you might have your priorities a tad out of whack.

It's fine to prefer historical accuracy in your games, but if it's enough of a big deal to stop you playing a AAA blockbuster outright, you might want to re-think how you perceive them.

Which overused video game criticisms get your goat the most? Got any of your own to add? Shout them out in the comments!


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.