9 Pokémon That Are Cheap Knock-Offs Of Previous Ones

7. Plusle And Minun Are Knock-offs Of Pikachu

Pikachu Being the mascot of the series didn't save Pikachu from having its design plagiarized. Introduced in Ruby and Sapphire were two electric mouse/rabbit hybrids who looked a lot like Ash's number one Pokémon. Is every single electric Pokémon based on a rodent? Since their introduction we've also had Pachirisu and Emolga - both Electric types resembling some form of squirrel. Plusle and Minun were a good try. Their concept - being based on positive and negative electric charges - is rather innovative but their design falters. Let's not forget to mention that having the two as separate Pokémon is completely redundant seeing as how their movesets and stats are about as identical as their design. Electric and Fire are two types we would definitely like to see more of but the designers have to think harder when it comes creating them. Bleaching a Pikachu and giving it different colored tattoos is not enough.
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