9 Polarising Levels That Almost Ruined Great Games

4. Any Driving Level - Jak 3

See? Arkham Knight wasn't the only game to shoehorn in some awkward ground-based driving sections to a game engine that really didn't need them. Back in 2004 (yes, it's been that long) Naughty Dog needed something to reinvigorate their new flagship franchise, and having taken to the skies in Jak 2 with all manner of flying vehicles and hoverboard-skills, the third instalment saw them do... the exact opposite, grounding everything and ensuring the only travel you'd be doing would be in awkwardly-handling dune buggies. It was positively Mad Maxian in its visual approach, with the vehicles in question having all sorts of angular metal shapes and armaments bolted onto their frames to survive the sand-blasted wilderness surrounding the city. The problem came any time a main mission asked you to win a race, retrieve an item or essentially spend any time doing so - as raiders would tip your vehicle over in seconds, the controls were extremely loose in practice and the general feel of movement was annoyingly weightless.
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