9 Popular Video Games With Glaring Flaws Nobody Admits

6. God Of War - Kratos' Motivations Make No Sense

god of war kratos family death

Have you ever really looked into Kratos' motivations? I mean, back when the series first got off the ground, we were too busy marvelling at the angry spartan pulling enemies in half with his bare hands to care, but his reason for despising the Gods themselves, well, it's a bit cack.

See, Kratos, erm, accidentally kills his entire family after being asked by Ares to wipe out any number of villages to prove his allegiance. I mean, the devs want you to believe he didn't recognise his own house, his own wife and his own child, before cutting them down and then blaming the person who told him to do it?

Like, yes, wiping out families isn't the best gig in the digital cosmos, but Kratos, ol' buddy ol' pal, it's kind of your fault, and has been all along.

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