9 Popular Video Games With Glaring Flaws Nobody Admits

5. GTA Online - The Re-Balancing Of Shark Cards Forces Microtransactions

GTA Online shark cards

Back to shady business practices, and with every subsequent DLC, Rockstar have cranked up the price of all in-game assets, forever offering microtransactions in the form of 'Shark Cards' if you want to bypass the standard progression.

Want a fancy new ride or weapon, but don't have tens of hours spare to plough into amassing the cash through missions? Why, you can plonk down some additional real-world cash to unlock it right now!

In the same vein as Overwatch, the defence of "Well, you can just play it" is there, but that same ethos lets developers get away with this setup in the first place. No matter which way you look at it, both GTA Online and Overwatch offer 'fast track' options through real-world payment for something you can unlock if you give up a day or two of game-time.

The only reason you're not offered a full game's worth of content within a reasonable time frame is to 'encourage' additional spending, and in GTA Online's case, has become incredibly off-putting.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.