9 Popular Video Games With Glaring Flaws Nobody Admits

3. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Microtransactions Break The Game

deus ex mankind divided microtransactions

Well, they kept this one relatively quiet, didn't they? Thanks to an exposé of sorts from Jim Sterling, he uncovered the startling fact that Mankind Divided's microtransactions were only added in the final few weeks of development, resulting in a totally broken progression system.

Naturally, this came from publishers, Square Enix, and thanks to it being such a last minute inclusion, Eidos could only apply it to the abilities you get across the campaign, meaning if you so choose, you can drop some cash unlocking everything in minutes.

Exactly what money-grubbing execs wanted, then.

The roundly-trounced 'Breach Mode' received copious hatred and negativity from fans, but having the same application of 'pay to win' for your long-awaited single player is pretty f*cking lame.

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