9 Popular Video Games With Glaring Flaws Nobody Admits

4. Bioshock: Infinite - WTF Was Songbird?!

bioshock infinite

For as much as Ken Levine span a pretty tight yarn when it came to delivering a followup to his monumental original, Bioshock: Infinite had one gaping hole in its narrative that only barely got papered over: Songbird.

First, its creation - we don't see anything resembling a solid explanation as to WTF Songbird is or where it came from. The nearest is a handful of scattered papers showing the Big Daddies and their requisite technology, confirming that Fink and Suchong worked on what would become Songbird together by communicating through the tear in time and space.

Even with that, the game doesn't go into enough detail. We're supposed to accept that there's a ginormous human inside the suit, which despite Elizabeth hanging around with it long enough, never shows any signs of relatable life, or a breakdown of how the people of Columbia or Rapture created a literal giant in the first place.

I don't know about you, but every part of Songbird's role in the story always had this massive "Yeah but... what the hell is that thing?!" hanging over it, which the game never properly addressed, before killing the creature off anyway.

Gaming Editor
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