9 Reasons This Console Generation Will Be Dominated By PC

1. The Tech Keeps Getting Better

The final point on this list ties in to the first one you read. Modern PCs blow their console counterparts out of the water because PC technology advanced faster than consoles. And that remains true today, even if some parts of computer technology aren€™t improving a lot year over year. The picture above, for example, shows an Nvidia graphics card that will be released a few years from now. These graphics cards, codenamed €œPascal,€ will be smaller than most of today€™s graphics cards, be more energy efficient, and have faster memory for better performance, among other features that make it a massive improvement over current graphics cards. And for PC gamers, it makes it easier than play games at 1080P+ and 60+ frames per second, assuming that the PC version of the game is well made. With Microsoft and Sony committing long term to the Xbox One and PS4, PCs€™ lead over consoles will continue to grow. Better processors, memory, and graphics cards are inevitable, and as time goes on, the prices will go down, making them more accessible to gamers. By the time the next set of consoles come, if they ever come, who knows how big the gap between PC and consoles will be. Do you think that PC has the edge over consoles this generation? Leave your comments below.
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Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.