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9 Reasons Everybody Loves Street Fighter

4. You CAN Button Bash But You Really Shouldn€™t


Part of the franchise's long-lasting appeal has come directly from having a learning curve you can surf in on, no matter how exposed to the previous entries in the series you are.

From button-bashing Blanka electrocutions to unbelievably intense eSports tournament finales that see players daring to make the first move, there's a hell of a lot of depth to 'basic' Street Fighter play that only really opens up once you start delving into your fighter of choice.

Sure you might pull a win out our rear-end by bashing buttons the first couple of times, but go up against someone who knows what they're doing and you'll get absolutely annihilated. Just the way it should be.


Capcom hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.