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9 Reasons Everybody Loves Street Fighter

3. Every K.O. Feels Stupidly Satisfying


If Nintendo proved anything, it's that caking your games in bright colours and high-contrast animations does wonders for the soul. We gamers simply love to see any variation on "YOU DID WELL" plastered across the screen, and although early SF's and their slow-motion K.O.'s were great, nothing compares to SF IV's HUD-dominating knockout logo.


Introduced in Street Fighter IV to compliment the new, comic book-esque animation style, Ultra Combos are the most enjoyable, eyeball-pleasing things to be found in SF to this day. They essentially involve pummelling your opponent into a fine paste, before ending on one move that heralds in what has become known as The Most Satisfying Thing Ever.


Capcom hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.