9 Reasons For Honor Is Ubisoft's Most Polarising Game In Years

1. An Entirely Melee-Focussed Multiplayer Feels Weird (In A Good Way)

For honor viking

Outside of how the game presents its control scheme, there's the very fact that at any time, the battlefield itself will not be awash with gunfire and projectiles, as everyone is forced to wade in melee weapons and running charges.

Such an observation might sound obvious, but it's not until you see the standard tropes of multiplayer gaming (respawn timers, wide angle looks at the map, the camera following your killer, etc.) that it settles in just how strange an all-melee multiplayer game truly is.

We've been steeped in online shooters since Halo 2 first took its series global on consoles back in 2004, and 13 years is a MIGHTY long time to go before someone thought "Hey, what if we take away the guns?"

For that approach alone, you kinda have to admire just what For Honor 'is', as an entity. We'll see if people gravitate to the idea or if they'll yearn for a gun (or bow and arrow) and if the game ultimately dies on the vine as an attempt to try something new.

As it stands though, good on you, Ubisoft. You did good.


What have you made of For Honor so far? Let us know in the comments!

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