9 Reasons The Division Is Ubisoft’s Best Video Game In Years

7. The Dark Zone Is A Brilliant, Unique Idea

If you've seen any of the hype around this game, chances are you've heard of the 'Dark Zone', the fairly mysterious multiplayer component that regardless of how much it got lost in Ubisoft convincing the masses The Division was "a great single player experience", is actually its standout feature. The drive and focus here is loot (gear and weapons inside the DZ are considerably higher than what you'll find outside its walls), and although you can posse up to fight enemies together, the option to shoot other agents (or your own team) in the back to claim everything for yourself is always present - as is other agents turning on you. Doing so makes you or your team 'Rogue', and a target for all others in the vicinity, leading to awesome encounters where your guys might be the DZ's most wanted, or alternatively, seeing you join others for a citywide manhunt. This rogue aspect is a great hook in itself, but the best part is just trying to survive, analysing threats from afar and creeping forward, block by block. As fellow agents don't show up on your HUD and all chat is shared based on proximity, you'll literally have to scarper for cover from high-level gangs or players who are looking to prey upon newcomers, hoping they don't discover you, as any built-up loot will be dropped. If you die at any point, the game turns into Dark Souls, where you can sprint back to your own corpse and retrieve any equipment - providing the other players haven't pilfered it since. Combining all these elements into one gives the DZ a fantastic feel, and accessing it by walking through a single doorway means you can try the occasional 'multiplayer match' on the way to and from your next main objective.
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The Division
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